Artistic Director, Passing the Torch trough the Arts
When I was a young man I was headed down the wrong path and my involvement in Theater and the Arts changed my life. It gave me a love for the written word, self worth, better communication skills and an ability to work with others in a professional manner? These skills made me employable and offered me a different life. This is what I am dedicating my life's work to, giving the same options to the youth of my community.
What makes Passing the Torch Through the Arts, different from other inner-city programs is that we fund ourselves through producing professional theater, employing local artists and tradesman to bringing the finest in theater and life changing theatric experiences.
Our Mission Statement
As committed parents, Americans and human beings, part of this global community, we commit our life’s work to rectifying the disservice being dealt to our youth. By offering positive and life affirming choices we hope to offset the barrage of negative images in dress, speech and glorified negative behavior. These images, we feel, are actually limiting our youths’ potential. Our credo is How you Speak is How you Think, and How you Write, reflects your Mind. Our goal, our mission, our value to this nation and our world is to inspire our young minds and thereby strengthening and developing an infinite resource: their creative and collective consciousness. We do not wish to judge any subculture, form of entertainment or negate their artistic value. We only wish to open the minds of our children and to offer them concrete and life sustaining options. Simply put, we do not want to censure or youth from watching films or videos, or listening to Rap music and Pop songs that glorify a particular lifestyle. We just want to awaken them to the reality that these are only forms of entertainment, not viable lifestyles. We will arm our young Americans with choices and with lucid and attainable goals. We have devoted our lives to the noble service of enlightening and enriching the lives of our children, thereby enriching our nation’s future, and finally mankind as a whole. Thank you and God Bless.